Reason No 93

 CRAFT DAY!  Post a day on MY farm with Angelic Organics!

This would make my day. People visiting and learning on my farm! 

Angelic Organics has a program called CRAFT. (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training)

Members pay a yearly fee and attend events, learning days, classes, through out the year. Farms open their doors to a session they specialize in and think others could learn from. I've attended a few and some of the most memorable were sheep sheering, goat care, draft horses instead of tractors, cheese making, and chicken butchering. (It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be)

Each one I attended was an adventure and a learning experience I will never forget.

Sheep Sheering, Big Rock, IL

Grain and Tractor Workshop, Southern, IL

Irish Grove Farm, Pecatonica, IL

Laying Mulch, Kane County, IL

Draft Power, Hinkley, IL


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